Michal Illich
founder & investor
Michal built the search engine, Jyxo, which powered major portals in Czech Republic between 2002-2009. His
team also developed Blog.cz (visited by 2 million users a month) and a PPC advertisement system. He sold his
company to CETV. Since 2010, he’s enjoyed working on Testomato and other startups.
Ing. Roman Ožana
co-founder & developer
Roman was born to be wild, but finds that he still enjoys city life in Prague. He’s worked as a freelance
web designer and developer for more than 10 years. His passions include:
new technologies, clean simple design, programming, hiking mountain trails.
Vojtěch Semecký
product & developer
Digital nomad, micropreneur, moonlighter and technological heretic. Vojtěch
loves South-east Asia, mainly Thailand, and use engineering and marketing skills to improve the product Testomato.